The trails, each of them in the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway, include:
g Namekagon-Laccourt Oreilles Portage Trail – An easy, 0.8-mile loop through a second growth forest of mixed hardwoods and pines, the trail memorializes a famous 18th century route where fur traders and explorers carried their canoes between rivers. The trailhead is at a parking lot on the first left/west off of Rolf Road past the Rainbow Road intersection.
g Pacwawong Lake Trail – Less a walking path than a jeep trail for boat ramp access to Pacwawong Lake, this 0.4-mile round trip is remote enough that there won’t be much if any traffic. From Cable Sunset/Totalatic Road, head south on Mossback Road, taking the first left/east; park in the gravel lot at the boat ramp and walk back to the road.
g Timber Lawn Trail – The 1.2-mile round trip southwest of Hayward runs through a woods to an overlook of the Namekagon’s north shore. From Old 24/Nursery Road (which parallels U.S. Hwy. 63), take Timber Lawn Road south until it becomes a jeep trail, where you can park. You can make it a loop from the overlook by taking the jeep trail that heads north back to your vehicle.
Read more about day hiking the scenic riverway in my guidebook Hittin’ the Trail: Day Hiking the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway.