Thursday, April 24, 2014

Activity for hiking kids: Shadow Petroglyphs

Generally, exploring and discovery is enough for kids, but sometimes even they can grow bored with that and become restless. Remember that they naturally have shorter attention spans than adults.

Fortunately, there are lots of tried and true activities you can do on the trail that’ll keep kids from getting bored. Among them is Shadow Petroglyphs.

When stopping for a rest break near large rock faces that the sun is shining upon, kids can attempt to make shadows that look like petroglyphs. Many Southwestern petroglyphs have geometric shapes, so have them hold their limbs and bodies to make the shadows appear straight with right angles. This is an excellent opportunity to provide children with some extra knowledge about petroglyphs, so read up on the topic yourself before hitting the trail!

Materials: Rock face with sun cast against it, imagination

Ages: 4 and up

Learn about more than a hundred other hiking diversions for kids in Hikes with Tykes: Games and Activities.