In celebration of fatherhood, I’ll be reading about hiking and fatherhood on Thursday, June 6, from 5 to 7 p.m. at
Bookends on Main in downtown Menomonie, Wis. The readings are of the completed essays in an anthology that I’m penning,
Trails and Trials: Journeys of a Father and Son. Among the book’s topics: Fathers’ fears of handling a newborn, traditional vs. nontraditional roles of a father, and fathers being nurturers. Each essay shows how hiking offers the answers to these and other complex issues of being a father. After the reading, I’ll be on hand to answer questions and sign any of
my various hiking books, the most current of which is available for purchase at Bookends on Main. It’ll be a great evening to visit Menomonie – the annual Downtown Clean-Up is that evening from 5 to 7 p.m. Bookends on Main is an independently owned and run bookstore, located at
214 E. Main St. in Menomonie.
Read more about family friendly day hiking trails in my
Headin' to the Cabin guidebooks.