Thursday, December 27, 2012

How to get kids excited about hiking

Looking over photos from a hike is a great way to keep kids
interested in day hiking. Photo courtesy of gracey / Photoree.
Once you’ve completed your first hike, pat yourself on the back. You’ve done a lot of work but have taken the first step into a larger world for both you and your children.

To keep kid’s enthusiasm charged, “review” the hike in kid-friendly ways. While you really can’t do this with infants, most toddlers and older kids will enjoy it. One post-hike game/activity you might consider is Review the map, pointing out the trail you took and where various fun things occurred or interesting sights were seen: “Here’s where we forded the stream”; “Here’s where we saw the eagles”; “Here’s where we skimmed rocks into the pond.”

Such activities make a memorable end to a day hike. To keep kid’s enthusiasm charged, “review” the hike in kid-friendly ways. While you really can’t do this with infants, most toddlers and older kids will enjoy it.

Learn about more than a hundred other hiking diversions for kids in Hikes with Tykes: Games and Activities.